The River Nile begins in Congo, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya. The Egyptians themselves said they came from the hinterlands of Africa at the beginning of the Nile river. The place known today as Egypt was a civilization that developed later from Ethiopia and Sudan. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt?' Note that the place called Egypt today including most of the Middle East and the Mediterranean were inhabited by black people at that time. It reads ' Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. The bible and Torah in Amos 9:7 called children of Ethiopians the same as children of Israel. But, i n order to whitewash the bible, European scholars had to rename MIZRAIM to Egypt and CUSH also renamed Ethiopia or Nubia.
And you can clearly see African presence in the bible. Above were the ORIGINAL names of these lands.